TransferTop™ Urine Collection and Direct Transfer Cups feature an integrated transfer mechanism for "closed system" transfer of urine samples directly from the cup to a vacuum sample tube. With the TransferTop™ System, there is no need for laboratory personnel to open the collection cup and pour the sample into a tube for processing. Instead, the safety label is peeled back, and the vacuum tube inserted for simple, safe, efficient, and reliable sample transfer.The urine transfer straw can be used to transfer urine specimens from a standard urine collection cup to a urine vacuum tube. TransferTop™ Closed System for Urine Transfer: Requires no open transferring of samples for reduced spills, improves lab hygiene, and limited exposure to dangerous samplesReduces risk of contamination for improved test resultsDirectly transfers samples to a tube suitable for analysis and transportWorks with most vacuum urine tubesProvides consistent sample transfer volumes when used with like vacuum tubesImproves efficiencies and sample throughput when compared to traditional open systems